TheForuth ASEAN Framework Agreement on Competition (AFAC) Negotiation

     The fourth round of negotiation on ASEAN Framework Agreement on Competition (AFAC) was virtually held on 23rd August 2023.

     Ms. LolibethRamit-Medrano, Chair of the Negotiation for the AFAC, Commissioner of the Philippines Competition Commission (PCC) deliverd the opening remarks. Representatives from the Competition Sectors in ASEAN member Statesand the ASEAN Secretariat Office attended the meeting.


The third round of negotiation of the Working Group on Competition and Consumer Protection (WGCC) for the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement was virtually held on 15th August 2023.

Representatives from the Competition and Consumer Protection Sectors in ASEAN member States, China and the ASEAN Secretariat Office attended the meeting.

As representatives from Myanmar, officials from the Department of Trade and the Department of Consumer Affairs under the Ministry of Commerce were present.

The 2nd Caucus for the 3rd ACFTA WGCC

The 2nd caucus for the third round of negotiation of the Working Group on Competition and Consumer Protection (WGCC) for the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement was virtually held on 10th August 2023.

Representatives from the Competition and Consumer Protection Sectors in ASEAN member States and the ASEAN Secretariat Office attended the meeting.

As representatives from Myanmar, officials from the Department of Trade and the Department of Consumer Affairs under the Ministry of Commerce were present.

Third Special Meeting of the ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Services on ASEAN Services Facilitation Framework (3rd Special CCS Meeting on ASFF)

    The 3rd Special CCS Meeting on ASFF was held in Vientiane, Lao PDR hybrid (in person + virtual) on 7-9 August 2023. The meeting was attended by representatives from all ASEAN Member States and the ASEAN Secretariat Office. Two officials from Department of Trade, Ministry of Commerce, Myanmar and officials from Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines and Thailand have also joined the meeting virtually.

    The meeting has been discussing AMS’s position on the draft text of ASEAN Services Facilitation Framework – ASFF and its work plan.

The First ASEAN Caucus for the fourth meeting of the Sub-Working Group on Rules of Origin for the ASEAN-CANADA Free Trade Agreement (ACAFTA AWGROO)

  The First ASEAN Caucus for the fourth meeting of the Sub-Working Group on Rules of Origin for the ASEAN-CANADA FTA was virtually held on 27 July 2023. The Meeting war chaired by Mr. Aziz Sharkawi, Senior Principal Assistant Director, Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry, Malaysia. Responsible  Focal persons from ASEAN Member Countries and representatives from ASEAN Secretariat Office joined the meeting. Two Representatives from each of the Department of Trade and Myanmar Customs Department attended the meeting.

The 26th Meeting of the AANZFTA Sub-Committee on Rules of Origin

      The 26th meeting of the AANZFTA Sub-Committee on Rules of Origin was virtually held on 25th and 26th July 2023.  The meeting was attended by representatives from ASEAN Member States, Australia, New Zealand and facilitators from ASEAN Secretariat Office. Two Participants from Department of Trade and Myanmar Customs Department also attended the meeting as representatives of Myanmar.


The 2nd meeting on the review of Competition law and rules was held in hybrid both in-person and online on 27 July, 2023.

The meeting was chaired by the Vice-chairman of Myanmar Competition Commission.

The Joint Secretary and the members of Myanmar Competition Commission, and the officials from Commission Office were present.

The attendees discussed the strength and weakness of the implementation of the law and drafting the proposed amendment text to upgrade.


The Caucus for the Third Round of Negotiation of the Working Group on Competition and Consumer Protection for the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (Caucus for 3rd ACFTA WGCC)

The caucus for the third round of negotiation of the Working Group on Competition and Consumer Protection (WGCC) for the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement was virtually held on 27th July 2023.

Representatives from the Competition and Consumer Protection Sectors in ASEAN member States and the ASEAN Secretariat Office attended the meeting.

As representatives from Myanmar, officials from the Department of Trade and the Department of Consumer Protection under the Ministry of Commerce were present.

The 2nd Meeting of the Sub-Committee on Rule of Origin of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership

      The 2nd Meeting of the Sub-Committee on Rule of Origin of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership was held in Surabaya, Indonesia on 18th July 2023. The meeting was attended virtually by one representative from Department of Trade of the Ministry of Commerce and two representatives from Myanmar Customs Department of the Ministry of Planning and Finance of Myanmar.

"Conducting a consultation meeting on the review of Competition law and rules"

A consultation meeting on the review of Competition law and rules was held in hybrid both in-person and online on 14 July, 2023.

The meeting was chaired by the Vice-chairman of Myanmar Competition Commission.

Members of Myanmar Competition Commission, officials from Commission Office and Legal Advisory Unit (LAU) of Ministry of Commerce were present.

The attendees discussed the strength and weakness of the implementation of the law and drafting the proposed amendment text to upgrade.