The Republic of the Union of Myanmar has received grant aid for Capacity Development. The Department of Trade, Ministry of Commerce, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar is eligible to a three-year grant under the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) partnership for LDCs, hosted at the World Trade Organization.

EIF Tier-1 Project, Department of Trade, Ministry of Commerce in Myanmar is seeking the support of a National Project Formulation Consultant to help accelerate the implementation of Myanmar’s Medium Term Porgramme for Aid-for-Trade (2017-2021) by supporting the formulation of bankable project proposals for line ministries. The project formulation will use the quick win project concepts prepared in 2018 during the MTP stock-taking, unless otherwise stated. It is expected that the incumbent would observe at all times in the highest standard of professional ethics and integrity, and promote results-oriented approach in the area of his/her responsibility and accountability.

The Department of Trade, Ministry of Commerce, Republic of the Union of Myanmar invites eligible bidders of any training center (or) professional trainer to express their interest in Competitive Bid to provide for training service. We prefer the following qualifications to fulfill the service qualities:

  • Master Degree in International Trade, International Economics or Development Studies;
  • At least 5 years of relevant professional work experience in Myanmar;
  • Proven experience in developing and evaluating strategies, program and project documents in the context of trade-related technical assistance projects and programs, and used to work at the Ministry of Commerce or in other agencies;
  • Proven experience in working with Government and networking with national and international stakeholders, preferably in Asian LDCs in the area of trade mainstreaming and trade related technical assistance; 
  • Familiarity with donor agencies procedures, Monitoring and Evaluation practices and in the use of basket funds, trust funds and budget support for development projects; and
  • Excellent ability in written and spoken English and Burmese language skills would be a strong asset.

We would sincerely appreciate your answer before 22 February, 2019 (Friday)close of business, Myanmar time. Please contact the followings if you need further information.


Ph: 067-408261, 067-408315

Email: [email protected],[email protected], [email protected]