What kinds of work can be protected by copyright?

The original creation of 
- Literary works
- musical works
- audiovisual works
- dramatic works
- artistic works
- works of applied art
- Illustrations, maps, plans, sketches and three-dimensional works related to geography, topography, architecture or science
- translation, adaptations, arrangements and other alternations or modification of literary and artistic works
- collections of literary and artistic works, including collections of the traditional cultural expressions
- compilations of data whether in machine readable or other form

What kinds of subject matter cannot be protected by copyright?

- idea, procedure, method of operation, mathematical concept, principle, discovery or data;
- news of the day or miscellaneous facts having the character of mere items of press information; 
- Constitution and legislation; 
- Rules, regulations and bye-laws, and notifications, orders, directives and procedures issued by the Governmental departments,           Governmental     organizations and Departments; 
- Judicial decisions and orders;

What are the Economic Rights for Related Rights Owners?

The performer has the right to
- make fixation of his performance
- reproduce
- distribute
- rent
- making available to the public

The phonogram producer has the right to
- reproduce
- import
- distribute
- rent
- making available to the public

The broadcasting organization has the rights to
- rebroadcast
- communicate to the public
- make fixation
- reproduce 

What is moral right?

Author has the right 
- to claim authorship;
- to have his name indicated as the author on the copies of any public use of his literary or artistic work; 
- to object to any distortion, mutilation or other modification of, or other derogatory action in relation to his literary and artistic work which would be prejudicial to his honor or reputation;