Union Minister for Commerce, U Aung Naing Oo attends the 2023 Monsoon Tree-Planting Ceremony

Fri, 07/07/2023 - 09:34 -- mocadmin

Nay Pyi Taw, July 6

The 2023 Monsoon Tree-Planting Ceremony of the Ministry of Commerce was held at the office no 3, near the compound of the Department of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Commerce on July 6 at 7:30 am.

          Union Minister for Commerce, U Aung Naing Oo planted a Royal Teak sapling and Deputy Minister for Commerce, U Nyunt Aung, Permanent Secretary, Director Generals as well as the staffs planted the Royal Teak and Pyinkado saplings at the designated area. Then, the Union Minister and Deputy Minister viewed and encouraged the planting activities by the staffs.

          The Monsoon Tree-Planting Ceremonies of the Ministry of Commerce were being held every year and this year’s ceremony, the Royal Teak (100) saplings, Pyinkado (100) saplings, Moringa (200) saplings were planted. At the compound of office no (3) and (52), Sein Talone Mango (11000), Padamyar Ngamauk Mango (700), Royal Teak (2000), Pyinkado (300), Mahogany (150), Acacia mangium (150), bamboo (1000) plants, windbreaks and shade trees, varieties of garden plants and horticultural plants have been growing  well.