MoC Union Minister addresses BIMSTEC BUSINESS Conclave in Kolkata, India

   U Aung Naing Oo, the Union Minister for Commerce, was invited by the Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) to attend the BIMSTEC Business Conclave as the guest of honour. The event took place at the the Hyatt Regency Kolakata Hotel in Kolakata, Republic of India. At the Meeting, the Union Minister talked about the trade and investment conditions between Myanmar and BIMSTEC member countries, highlighting the potential for further development.

The Union Minister focused on promoting trade, identifying potential products for trade among BIMSTEC member countries, and encouraging business-to- business (B2B) interactions to foster trust and friendship between exporters and importers. He also discussed increasing investment from BIMSTEC member countries in Myanmar, facilitating currency access, enhancing contact and cooperation between traders on both sides, and boosting tourism activities. He further suggested considering improved road connection, financial communication activities, and increased public engagement  as further initiatives.

Following the ceremony, the Union Minister toured the exhibition showcasing products from emerging countries and provided encouragement to the display organized by the Union of Myanmar Chamber of Commerce and Industry-UMFCCI. Later he participated in the International Trade: Opportunities and Barriers Forum held at Ballroom One, where U Aye Win, UMFCCI Chairman, participated as a panelist.

Furthermore, the Union minister attended the BIMSTEC Investment Forum-Challenges and Opportunities in Ballroom II. U Thant Sin Lwin, Director-General of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration-DICA under the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations (MIFER), served as a panelist for the disussion.

          Several distinguished figures were present at the meeting, including Mr. Mehul Mohanka, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of India, Dr. Rajkumar Ranjan Singh, Minister  of Exernal Affairs and Education, Government of India, Mr. Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun, Minister of Industry of Bangladesh, Mr. Ramesh Rizal, Minister of Industry, Commerce, and Supply of Nepal, Dr. Ramesh Pathirana, Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Industry, Mr.Vijavat Isarabhakdi, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, Ms. Tashi Wangmo, Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce and Employment, Bhutan, Mr. Ameya Prabhu, Deputy Chairman of the Republic of India Chamber of Commerce, guests from BIMSTEC member countries.

          The Myanmar delegation included U Thant Sin Lwin, Director-General of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations(MIFER), U Aye Win, Chairman of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chamber of Commerce and Industry, U Tun Lwin, Chairman of the Myanmar Pulses and Sesames Trader Association, Daw Kywe Kywe Zin, Chairperson of the Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs Association; and  U Myint Han, Chairman of the Myanmar Gem Industry Association.