Wednesday Talk Session (Full News)

Wednesday Talk Session

(Full News)

  1. Wednesday Talk was held at the conference hall, of the department of trade under the Ministry of Commerce, office No. 3, on January 24, 2024, from 10:00 to 11:45.
  2. Daw Nge Nge Htun, Assistant Director of the Department of Trade Promotion Organization, presented the topic on “Project implementation of technical advice and assistance for food manufacturing enterprises from Korea.”
  3. Daw Moe Moe Thwe, Director General of the Department of Intellectual Property, and Daw Win Pa Pa Thu, Assistant Director of the Department of Trade, shared their knowledge about trade promotion from Korea (KOTRA), and then Deputy Director General Dr. Htain Linn gave a closing speech.
  4. After that, Daw Moe Moe Thwe, Director General, presented a gift of honor to Daw Nge Nge Htun, Assistant Director.
  5. In conclusion, the Wednesday Talk discussion was attended by the Director General of the Department of Intellectual Property, Acting Director General of the Department of Consumer Affairs, the Deputy Director General of Myanmar Trade Promotion Organization, as well as 172  participants from the Ministry of Commerce.