Myanmar's first E-Commerce Virtual Conference led by the Ministry of Commerce


Myanmar's first E-Commerce Virtual Conference to be held in 2020 May 28 At 10:00 am, the Virtual Conference Main Host was held at the Ministry of Economy and Commerce.

The opening ceremony of the E-Commerce Virtual Conference was attended by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry; Deputy Minister U Aung Htoo addressed the meeting. Afterwards, President of the Federation of Traders and Industrialists of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar U Zaw Min Win and Department of Commerce; Director-General U Min Min spoke on e-commerce.

At the conference, the activities undertaken by government departments / organizations related to e-commerce action plans under the 5 goals of COVID-19 Business Cure Program CERP; The challenges and suggestions faced by the private sector were discussed in four panel sessions.

 The panels include the Department of Commerce; Department of Consumer Affairs Central Bank of Myanmar National Center for Cyber ​​Security; Officials from Myanma Post and Myanma Insurance and entrepreneurs related to e-commerce. A total of 28 experts participated in the discussion. 

The Ministry of Economy and Commerce, in collaboration with UNCTAD, conducted a survey on the readiness of e-commerce in 2017 and is developing an E-Commerce Strategy under the EIF Tier 2 Myanmar Services Trade Promotion Project under UNCTAD.

၊ Australia With the technical support of DFAT, Digital Trade Policy Framework and Good Practice Guides are being published to support small businesses transitioning from offline to online during the COVID period. Under the EU Myanmar ARISE Plus project, SMEs are working to support the transition to digital trade and global market penetration, and discussions are underway with development partners to implement CERP projects in a short period of time. The ministry is currently developing an e-commerce guideline, which will be released before the end of 2020, and will introduce a voluntary registration system for online sellers.

The E-Commerce Virtual Conference was attended by government departments / organizations; Committees; Associations; A total of 450 local and foreign businessmen and interested people attended the event, which was held from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.